Earful of an earphone
Tuesday, June 21st, 2011I’m in New York this week to help with some training at work. I’ve been staying out in Brooklyn with Betsy, so each morning I take the F line up to 34th street where our offices are. I’ve been taking the subway in New York for years and years and I feel like I understand the ins and outs. I feel like I know the rhythm and get the fact that it’s always going to be packed.
This morning was no different. Train’s packed. 34th street arrives. Start scooting over to the doors as we come into the station. I’m stuffed behind some folks so I wait for my turn to exit and then all of a sudden there’s a rush to come in. I’m trying to get out and no one’s moving. Then the doors start to close, so I grab the door and push to get out. there’s a little friction but I emerge on the other side and the doors slam shut behind me. Then I se something white clatter to the floor next to me. It’s an earphone. One of those white Iphone kindas. Just one. I realize in getting off the train I ripped someone’s earphones in half.
I feel guilty and annoyed all at once. We never would have been in this spot if they’d just let me out, but I could have just sucked it up and gone on to the next stop. I guess the thing I feel bad about is that now they have o get new earphones. I didn’t want anyone’s stuff to get hurt. I just wanted to get off the train. I’m sure somewhere further up the island, whomever it is that I denuded of music is telling their co-workers about some ass4073 who pushed past them off the train.
I feel bad, but at the same time – couldn’t they just back up for a sec so I could get off?
Oh well. New York is the summer. Land of hot and tempers.
If you happen across this blog headphone person- sorry- I just wanted to get to work on time.